Project Details
Roof Refurbishment
Our client had an aged asbestos cement sheet roof covering with an approx 15% rooflight arrangement. The roof covering was in an aged and deteriorated condition with many areas of water ingress entering the building. The rooflight panels had become very discoloured allowing little natural daylight into the building. The hook bolts were severely corroded and the washers at roof level were perished.
The roof covering was beyond economic repair and therefore spending any further monies on the existing roof covering showed a poor longterm investment for the building. The wall cladding was also cracked and damaged in many areas and required replacement. The building fabric as a whole was aged and required replacement.
The asbestos cement roof covering was safely removed and disposed of responsibly providing our client with a certificate of disposal. A new 0.7mm liner panel was installed with a 20% rooflight arrangement. An ashgrid spacer system was installed along with 220mm quilt insulation to bring the building upto current ‘u’ value regulations. A new 0.7mm outer roof sheet and outer skin rooflight panels were then installed. New external trimline gutters were fitted to the construction with upvc rainwater downpipes.
The asbestos cement wall cladding was also removed and a new insulated twin skin wall cladding system retro fitted to the existing steelwork. This consisted of a 0.4m wall liner panel, an ashgrid spacer system, 160mm quilt insulation and a new 0.55mm outer wall cladding sheet.