FAQ – Industrial Roof Repairs

In this instalment of our FAQ series, we’re answering some common roofing questions about industrial roof repairs to help put your mind at ease.

What Health & Safety Measures are Taken?

Before we carry out any roof repairs, we always carry out a health & safety audit. This makes sure your roof is safe for our roofing consultants to work on and for your business’ operations too.

Using our industry leading health & safety measures list,  we make sure there’s no stone unturned, leaving us with a thorough understanding of your roof and what needs to be done to keep everything safe.

What Documentation Supports this?

Every health & safety audit that we carry out is supported with a set of risk assessment and method statements. You’ll have access to these and we’ll fully explain the results of any audit to make sure we’re all on the same page.

This isn’t an exhaustive list, merely a few example of what our documentation covers:

  • Scope of works
  • Sequence of operations
  • Working hours
  • Site Welfare
  • Waste disposal
  • Duration of works
  • Pre-start controls
  • Access to the site
  • Access to the roof areas
  • Storage of materials & hoisting of materials
  • General plant & equipment
  • Potential overhead dangers

We’re also partnered with the North West Safety Services (NWSS) who provide ongoing support, process audits and ongoing personal development to our consultants. We make sure we’re always growing and maintaining our space in the roofing industry.

Will any of this Disrupt my Business?


We’ll make sure we do everything that’s required to reduce and remove any possible disruption to your business. Plus, we’ll always talk through and brief you of our above documentation, making sure that we’re all ticking the right boxes.

In the case that there could be a potential disruption to your business, we’ll let you know before any works start at all. It’s a rare scenario for us, because there’s almost always a suitable solution to prevent disruption.

Do you have any Examples?

Yes! We’ve got plenty of case studies from other industrial roof repair projects, with testimonials from our clients. It means the world to us that they’d sign their name against our work, but more than that, it shows us that we’re living up to our reputation.

We’ve also won an award or two and have several examples of projects such as the Leeds Corn Exchange that we’ve been nationally recognised for.


There you have it, some more popular roofing questions, answered. If you have any more roofing questions, do let us know!