Checks To Carry Out When Maintaining a Felt Roofing System

Felt roofing systems are a great choice for protecting your commercial roofing or industrial roofing system against leaks, and they can also greatly extend the lifespan of the roof. A felt roof, like any other, will require regular checks. And getting professional roofing contractors to carry out a free survey, can help to alleviate any concerns that you might have.

Carrying out maintenance checks on your felt roofing system is always encouraged, as this can make spot repairs quicker and easier to carry out. With this in mind, we wanted to go through some of the ways in which you can maintain and carry out regular checks on your felt roofing system, to ensure it stays in the best condition.


Checking the surfaces  

When checking your felt roofing system, it’s important to pay attention to the surfaces and detailing, as well as any other signs that it could be in need of repair. All the overlaps between the roof materials need to be tight and sealed, and you also need to check the upstands are securely fixed to the wall with no damage, cracks or splits in the mortar or sealant.

Blisters can sometimes occur on the surface of the felt roof. These areas can fill with water or air to form what looks like a bubble. You always need to regularly check for blisters, and if there are any, then you need to keep an eye on their size. If they are left untreated and expand, more moisture will get in and this will lead to more extensive repairs. Always report blistering to experienced roofing contractors, who can deal with the problem.


Checking for general debris

Carrying out regular checks on any gutters and rainwater outlets is an essential part of preparing your roof for the winter, but it’s also pretty vital throughout the rest of the year too. Check that they are all free-flowing, clear of any leaves, and other debris.

If you take steps to ensure no debris is clogging up your gutters and rainwater outlets, then you can help to prevent water from gathering on the felt. Make sure that you only carry out checks at height if you are qualified to do so, with the correct equipment and supervision.


Checking for internal condensation

Condensation won’t be something you’ll actually see on the surface of your felt roofing system, but internal condensation is definitely something to watch out for. This is caused by insufficient insulation, and could also indicate a lack of sufficient ventilation in your felt roof.

It’s really important that you contact professional roofing contractors quickly if you notice any internal condensation. As not only can this lead to the rotting of timber supports, it can also sometimes result in the eventual structural collapse of the roof.

Does a felt roofing system sound right for you? If so, then with NWIR you can choose from either torch on application, or you can opt for a fully cold application if your industrial or commercial roofing system demands it.

To learn more about our felt roofing systems, or to discuss any one of our other award-winning services – please contact us today on 0800 046 1500.